June 13 2020 – It’s been almost three weeks since the video of a Police officer mercilessly murdering a black man in Minneapolis was shared with the world.
America has righteously erupted into protest, big cities and small joining in a sustained expression of indignation against police treatment of African Americans in particular and systemic racism in general. The people who want to deflect the seriousness of the issue tend to focus on looting.
Smartphones and social media have converged in powerful ways to bring heart wrenching videos of the action in the streets to everyone’s hand. It’s inescapable. It is important to grab attention to the serious issues affecting our society.
I had recently read the book How to hide an Empire and got illuminated on how the USA has treated minorities and indigenous people over the centuries. It was a powerful read and opened my eyes. I wrote this then. https://www.krishgopalan.com/how-to-hide-an-empire/
I am hoping to use this opportunity to learn and experience more of this from the POV of a Black person. Black Lives Matter. Always has. Always will.