While the excitement of our Wedding Anniversary was in the air, the Inauguration of Joe Biden totally occupied our mental bandwidth today. Between watching Biden speak, Gaga and JLo sing and Amanda Gorman figuratively levitate with words, we managed to wish ourselves more happy anniversaries.
The relief is palpable. Relief that this Wednesday in January went off without a hitch. Relief that we won’t be whiplashed everyday with inflammatory pronouncements from a deranged person sitting in the most powerful house in the country. Relief that despite the persistent divisive challenges that this society faces, the person leading the nation now is the best man for the job and has an excellent team surrounding him.
The virtual cross country and cross space evening entertainment was brilliant. It suggested the smell of fresh earth after a downpour. We hope today marks the beginning of happier times for our nation and the world.
Over the last few days National Guard troops protected the magnificent Capitol and surrounding areas. They slept on stone floors at night and walked about all day. We owe them our gratitude for securing the fabric of society.
All the best to us and the Biden Administration.