Jan 06 2021
Today we saw a mob surge on the US Capitol Building. They overcame weak and sometimes supportive Police barriers. The unruly crowd managed to disrupt a joint session of Congress to certify the electoral college vote count. Lots of furniture was damaged and powerful offices were ransacked. Surprisingly, members were able to evacuate to a safe place where the mob couldn’t reach them.
The day had a 9/11 feel to it. The scenes on TV was riveting and stunning.
It’s obvious that a segment of America has been brainwashed and has also not realized it’s exploitation. It’s not obvious how the country can heal from this explosive and incendiary situation. The people that have started and flamed this situation need to have the full extent of the law unleashed on them.
It’s an anxious time for all this early in the New Year. Stay safe and let this not paralyze your life.