Summer of 2016
It has been a quiet yet busy summer. Quiet outside, busy inside. Since June, I took technical responsibility for, where we bring the best performing arts events to your attention. Jayashree did a lot of art festivals and kept our weekends busy with that.
Naturally, I have been in a writing funk. I decided to pick up day to day coding despite a hiatus of almost 10 years. I don’t know about you, but when I’m in a coding zone, I tune away the rest of the world. If a bug is not fixed by the end of the day, I don’t sleep. It didn’t help that I was also doing dev ops for the site, so any issues buzzed my phone within seconds. Respects to the talented developers out there who get it right the first time most of the time. But overall, it continues to be fun.
Things are more stable now. We are collecting more events and the traffic to the site shows signs of steady increase. With a cache in place, performance has also improved.
The availability of a myriad of open source solutions and APIs is a god send. I thought it a challenge to develop and deploy a cache for our service. The Redis cache came to my rescue and I had it working on my local machine, AWS and the Pair data center in very short time. Many such examples.
Over the fall, we will undertake a UI refresh for the site and bring in more event feeds. We want up and coming independent artists to have a place where they can list and manage their event and bring their fans into one place.
I had a chance to make this in my wife’s studio under her able guidance. Fluid Acrylics with use of an air compressor to move the fluid around. I had a river delta in mind.

Happy days to you.